Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
- 個人情報の利用目的をできるだけ特定し、特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて利用することはありません。
- 個人情報を偽りその他不正な手段による取得しません。取得したときは、本人に速やかに利用目的を通知又は公表します。
- 個人情報を利用目的の範囲内で正確かつ最新の内容に保つように努めます。
- 個人情報の漏洩や滅失を防ぐために、必要かつ適切な安全管理措置を講じます。
- あらかじめ本人の同意を得ないで第三者に個人情報を提供することはありません。
- 本人のご了解がある場合
- 法令等への協力のため、開示が必要となる場合
- 個人情報等の開示、訂正、追加、削除、利用停止
Google アナリティクス利用規約 : https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/jp/
Privacy Policy
We make every effort to appropriately control and protect personal data according to our established privacy policy, which is based on the Laws Regarding Protection of Personal Information.
As much as possible, the intended use of all personal information is specified; personal information will not be used in a manner beyond the scope necessary to the use specified.
Personal information will never be gathered under false pretenses or any other dishonest means. When personal information is gathered, the user will be notified promptly of its intended use, or said use will be publicly displayed.
Every effort will be made to keep the most correct and newest versions of all personal information, within the scope of the information’s intended use.
In order to prevent leakage or loss of personal information, all necessary and appropriate safety measures will be taken.
Personal information will never be given to a third party without the advance permission of the user.
However, cases of legal necessity, the life and safety of a person or persons, protection of body or possessions, public health and child safety, and other necessary instances are excepted.
We use Google Analytics to analyze kind of traffic data on this site. Please make sure that we use cookie if you accept it.
images : pixabay
If you would like to improve your business much more, please contact us anytime.
If you have your web service, application, product sales, and things like that, but you have any problems with it,
please let us know about your issue. We would be able to be your solutions.
If you contact us, we are much appreciated it.
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